CIPS NewsBriefs - Spring 2022

Letter from the Editor

Dear CIPS Colleagues:

It is with a heavy heart that I update this letter to mark Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine. The following issue was “put to bed” some weeks ago in what now, stunningly, seems like a simpler and less stressful time. The section denoted with the Ukrainian flag contains links to IPA video statements as well as a written statement by APsaA. May we renew our strength and variously offer support to the Ukrainians, their leaders, and the causes of freedom and democracy there, here and around the world.

Returning to the present issue of NewsBriefs:

The message is not the medium here, but let’s pause to appreciate NewsBriefs new medium! Thanks to the CIPS Board and the creative and technical talent of Mafe Izaguirre, we at NewsBriefs are thrilled to introduce you to our improved, gorgeous, and easy-to-navigate contemporary format. 

As for the message – the content of this Winter 2022 issue – there is much to appreciate. The presidents of CIPS, Maureen Murphy, PhD, FIPA, and NAPsaC, Mary Kay O’Neil, PhD, FIPA, offer their letters updating us on the news and events of the organizations they ably lead.

We also hear from two society presidents in somewhat novel ways. 

Betsy Sprague, PsyD, FIPA, President of the Vermont Study Group (VPSG) eloquently educates us about VPSG as well as this society’s desire to be a part of CIPS again. VPSG is technically still a “study group” in the eyes of the IPA – a long and understandably demanding process – but in our eyes, VPSG is already a sibling CIPS society. We welcome them back and look forward to hearing VPSG voices and learning of their contributions going forward.

Michael Kraas, PhD, FIPA, the incoming president of CFS, generously shares a Reflection on the importance of community and analytic community especially during the pandemic.

On the topic of the Reflections section – in this issue, we have contributions on two germane topics: climate change and enduring the pandemic.

As is true with every issue, we are indebted to our intrepid band of Reporters who gathered each of their society’s publications, speaking engagements and awards as well as the Reflections from their community members. Once again, our heartfelt thanks to Susan Mitchell, PhD, FIPA; David Parnes, LICSW, FIPA; Beth Siegel, PsyD, FIPA; Drew Tillotson, PsyD, FIPA; and Mary Wall, LCSW, FIPA.

The contributions noted in this issue relate to the calendar year 2021. Despite it all, as you shall see, many within the CIPS community continued to creatively contribute. We thank you as well.

In this Issue, we also honor two great analytic pioneers who each reshaped our field – adding breadth, depth, and profound insight.  They each possessed a remarkable capacity to understand and to love. We honor and shall sorely miss both Sheldon Bach, PhD, FIPA, and Anni Bergman, PhD, FIPA. The psychoanalytic community is indebted to them.

Finally, I note with some sadness that this will be my last issue as Editor of NewsBriefs. It has been my privilege to shepherd NewsBriefs over these past few years. I thank the CIPS Board for their support, open-mindedness and professionalism. I admire their care and thoughtfulness; CIPS is in good hands. And as noted above, my work here would have come to naught without the good-humored group of dedicated Reporters.

With gratitude,

Leslie Wells, LP, FIPA