CIPS NewsBriefs - Spring 2022
IPA Statement on Crisis in Ukraine
We want to express our sincere support for and solidarity with all our affected colleagues and our neighbours who are suffering from terrible material and psychic trauma. In this link you will find here resources of support with local societies, donation links, papers, webinars, podcasts and articles to support you with this crisis. It is open to all our members and candidates to participate and contribute with their observations of living and working through this crisis and profound period of instability. Please feel free to contact Rhoda Bawdekar ( with your contributions. Please note we cannot accept material containing clinical content.
Dear CIPS Colleagues,
The IPA has voted to contribute $100,000 to Ukraine humanitarian causes. If you are able to join the IPA in supporting Ukrainian members and candidates, here are the details.
In solidarity,
Maureen Murphy
IPA Ukraine Statement Harriet Wolfe
Second IPA Statement on the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. International Psychoanalytical Association.
IPA Ukraine Statement Adriana Prengler, IPA Vice-President
La posición (primera) de la API sobre la guerra en Ucrania / The IPA’s (first) position on the war in Ukraine.

Announcing IPA Ukraine Crisis Emergency Fund
We are writing to you as the war in Ukraine and the bombardment by Russian forces continues. The humanitarian crisis is extending across Europe and beyond.
We are learning with admiration of the work being done on the ground by our members and candidates, led by our colleagues in the EPF and IPSO.
The IPA Board considered how we could reinforce this support using the collective resources of our international association. At the Board meeting on Saturday 12 March, it was unanimously agreed that:
- We create a fund where individuals (members and non-members) can send donations specifically for this crisis to help IPA members and candidates in the affected areas.
- The IPA additionally sets up an emergency fund of US$100,000 from its own reserves.
The IPA Board delegated to its Executive Committee authority to determine how the funds will be allocated because conditions change over time and the Executive Committee meets frequently.
We have been moved by the expressions of help and support. In horrifying times, there is comfort in recognizing our collective power to ease at least some of the pain and suffering.
We appreciate your generosity in providing the help you can.
Once again, we extend our support and solidarity to our colleagues and all those caught up in and affected by this terrible conflict.
Harriet Wolfe, IPA President
Adriana Prengler, IPA Vice President
Henk Jan Dalewijk, IPA Treasurer
- We have set-up a link to a donations page on our website here where donors can select a button telling us how much they would like to donate. Anonymous donations will be possible by contacting us at
- Once you have selected an amount you will be taken to another page which will ask for email address and card details.
- Once payment is successfully made a receipt will be emailed to your inbox.
- US tax-payers: donations will be to IPA Fund which is a registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit.
Donations are collected via:
- All major debit and credit cards
- Apple Pay
- The contact us button (for amounts over $2K and other payment methods) then we will provide Bank details for a direct transfer.
Any other Queries
If you have any other queries about the donation fund please contact us at
Questions or comments? Please e-mail us at
The International Psychoanalytical Association is registered in England as a company limited by guarantee (no. 3496765) and a charity (no. 1071752). Unit B, Book House, 261a City Road, London EC1V 1AH, United Kingdom