Welcome to the CIPS website. Thank you for visiting. I hope it will provide the resources you need, inspire you to inquire further or even to join us.
As I begin my presidency of CIPS, I am mindful of the dedicated and creative analysts who preceded me in this role. I am grateful to follow such capable leaders and to still have them nearby for consultation.
The shared history and values of the institutes that came together to form CIPS in the 1990s include a dedication to psychoanalytic learning and commitment to inclusiveness. From the initial goal of supporting our mutual interests as independent North American societies admitted to the IPA, CIPS grew into a community that continues to foster creative collaboration and provide opportunities for professional development for its members. As part of its mission, CIPS addresses issues related to training standards as well as the social, political, and legislative affairs that have an impact on psychoanalytic practice.
In the last decade, new challenges have emerged. We have learned more about and continue to confront issues of systemic and structural racism. We actively support the work of the Holmes Commission and are committed to understanding and addressing these issues in ourselves and in our organizations.
On the verge of climate catastrophe, evident everywhere and entering our consulting rooms daily, we recognize the urgent need to understand the psychology of climate change. Our eleventh biennial conference, which will take place in the fall of 2024, will address, in psychoanalytically informed and meaningful ways, impediments to effective responses to the changing climate as well as the psychological impact of climate change on the well-being of children, adolescents and adults.
Defined by collegiality, engagement, and commitment since its inception, CIPS continues to create and foster ways to deepen our understanding of issues relevant to psychoanalytic practice and to work towards meaningful goals in collaboration with colleagues at NAPsaC and the IPA.
With warmest regards,
Gloria Demby, LCSW, President